HOLPOSON? Power Clean
活性染料牢度提升劑HOLPOSON? Power Clean 是適用于活性染料纖維素纖維進行染色、印花、或軋染等工藝得色牢度提升皂洗劑,能夠有效得去除活性染料染色后,織物表面所殘存得浮色染料,有效得提高面料得耐水、皂洗、耐汗漬等色牢度檢測項目等級。同時具備優良得防沾色性能,可以有效防止染料脫落后二次沾色。
外觀 白色粉體
離子型 陰離子
pH 堿性
溶解性 易溶于水
第壹道 皂洗粉0.2-0.5g/l,HOLPOSON? Power Clean 0.1-0.2g/l 90-98℃×15-20分鐘
第二道HOLPOSON? Power Clean 0.1-0.2g/l,70-85℃×10-20分鐘,2道皂洗,熱水洗,水洗。
Power Clean 0.5g/l-1.5g/l 80-85℃×1-2分鐘 ,2道皂洗,熱水洗,水洗
貯 存
Color Fastness Promoter for Reactive Dyes
HOLPOSON? Power Clean
Power Clean is a color fastness improver suitable for dyeing, printing, pad dyeing and other processes of reactive dye for cellulose fiber. It can effectively remove the residual floating dye on the fabric surface after reactive dye dyeing, and effectively improve the color fastness to water, soaping, and sweat. At the same time, it has excellent anti-staining performance, which can effectively prevent the dye from secondary staining after falling off.
Physical & chemical properties:
Appearance: White powder
Ionicity: Anionic
pH: Alkaline
Solubility: Soluble in water
This product is suitable for all kinds of dyeing equipment.
It can be used after the test according to the following conditions:
It is recommended to use 40-50 ℃ warm water for dissolution, 1:10 dilution, and evenly mixing.
Soaping after dyeing:
Conventional soaping
First step: soap powder 0.2-0.5g/L, HOLPOSON? Power Clean 0.1-0.2g/l ,90-98 ℃ × 15-20min
Second step:HOLPOSON? Power Clean 0.1-0.2g/l , 70-85 ℃× 10-20min, soaping twice, hot water washing and water washing.
Soaping after continuous dyeing:
HOLPOSON? Power Clean : 0.5g/l-1.5g/l, 80-85 ℃ × 1-2 minutes, soaping twice, hot water washing, water washing.
1. It can effectively remove the undyed reactive dyes on the fabric and improve the color fastness.
2. With the increase of the dosage, the soaping solution can be almost colorless, and the dye will fall off little.
3. Effectively reduces the times and duration of soaping
4. The product can be used for cone yarn dyeing
Storage and attentions:
1. Avoid direct sunlight and store in a dark and ventilated place (0-35 ℃), and remember to seal it in time after use to avoid caking
2. Do not pour the diluted solution directly on the fabric
3. Do not place it in direct sunshine or other places with high humidity and heat.