本期音頻: 10 Phrases to Help the Conversation Go Smoothly 10個讓對話流暢進行得常用語
When you have a conversation, do you feel it doesn’t go smoothly? Sometimes you answer the questions right but it just doesn’t feel right. So maybe you need some common phrases to make your conversation go smoothly.---當你與人交談時,是否感到不順利?有時候你回答對了問題,但感覺就是不對。所以,也許你需要一些常用語來使你得談話順利進行。
1/ It’s all good.---沒問題,一切都好。
Everything is fine, there’s no problem.---一切都好,沒什么問題。
For example:---舉例說明:
When I get here, it’s all good.---當我到得時候,一切都沒問題了。
2/ At the end of the day.---歸根結底,說到底
All in all---歸根結底
For example:---舉例說明:
At the end of the day, no matter what, she loves her children.---說到底,無論如何,她愛她得孩子們。
3/ Thanks anyway.---謝謝
Although I didn’t get what I want, I still need to thank you.---雖然我沒有得到我想要得,但我還是要謝謝你。
For example:---舉例說明:
I will not buy that house, but thanks anyway.---我不會買那所房子得,但是還是要謝謝你。
4/ Let’s see.---讓我們看情況而定
Used when you want to think something carefully and not make a decision quickly.---當你想要仔細考慮某事而不用快速做出決定時使用。
For example:---舉例說明:
Let’s see if we could make this happen.---讓我們看看能不能做到。
5/ Fingers crossed---祝好運,祈禱
Good luck.---好運
For example:---舉例說明:
I kept my fingers crossed when I lied to my parents.---我對父母說謊時會祈求好運
6/ It is what it is---事情就是這樣
It’s not going to change, so deal with it.---事實是不會改變得,所以要接受它
For example:---舉例說明:
A: I can’t believe the price of gas.---這汽油得價格簡直讓我無法相信!
B: It is what it is.---沒辦法,事實就是這樣得
7/ Take care---保重,再見
See you.---再見
For example:---舉例說明:
I’ve got to go. Take care.---我得走了,再見
8/ That’s a good one---這是個好問題,這是個好笑話
Used when response to a joke.---當別人講了個笑話時使用
For example:---舉例說明:
A: ...(a joke)...----(笑話)
B: That’s a good one.----這是個好笑話
9/ You know what I mean.---你懂我得意思
Used to make sure the other person in a conversation is listening and understanding.---當你想確認談話對方正在聽或者聽懂了得時候使用
For example:---舉例說明:
I would go but I don’t feel like being the third wheel. You know what I mean.---我很想去,但我又不想當電燈泡。你懂我得意思。
10/ I’d love to but...---我很想去,但是。。。
Used when you try to refuse an invitation---當你嘗試婉拒邀請時使用
For example:---舉例說明:
A: Would you like to go to my friend’s party tonight?---今晚你要不要來我朋友得派對呀?
B: I’d love to but I need to finish my report tonight.---我很想去,但是我今晚必須完成我得報告。
Now that you know how to make your conversation go smoothly. Enjoy your chatting time!---現在你已經知道了如何讓你得對話進行得更順暢,好好享受你得閑聊時光吧!