With a record of 40-6, the 2019-20 Milwaukee Bucks join the 2015-16 Golden State Warriors as the only other team in the 2000’s to win 40 games before losing 7 games; they are only the 7th team in NBA history to accomplish this feat.
Everyone knows Phil Jackson’s “40 wins before 20 losses means you’re a true title contender” rule, but what the Bucks are doing this season is truly amazing. They are currently on pace to win 71 games, giving them a legitimate chance to tie or even break the single season NBA wins record of 73 games, see by the very same 2015-16 Warriors team. Granted, at this point the Warriors were 42-4, I don’t believe they had a player nearly as dominant on both ends of the floor as Giannis, so there is always that with this Bucks team.
Here is a break down of how those 6 previous teams who achieved this feat did in the post season:
1966-67 Philadelphia 76ers: Won NBA Finals
1971-72 Los Angeles Lakers: Won NBA Finals
1982-83 Philadelphia 76ers: Won NBA Finals
1995-96 Chicago Bulls: Won NBA Finals
1996-97 Chicago Bulls: Won NBA Finals
2015-16 Golden State Warriors: Lost NBA Finals
66/67賽季 費城76人:贏得總冠軍
71/72賽季 洛杉磯湖人:贏得總冠軍
82/83賽季 費城76人:贏得總冠軍
95/96賽季 芝加哥公牛:贏得總冠軍
96/97賽季 芝加哥公牛:贏得總冠軍
15/16賽季 金州勇士:總決賽輸球
[–]Bucks The_Sign_of_Zeta 2278 指標 23小時前
It’s been really really fun being a fan this year. I have watched them since the early 90s, and remember all the dark times. Remember before last year this had been a team that hadn’t won a playoff series in 18 years. It still feels weird to have expectations.
[–]Bucks Jamil_Aziz2 38 指標 17小時前
It does, and I’ve only been a fan for sixteen years.
[–]Bucks TtarIsMyBro 9 指標 13 小時前
please don t choke in the playoffs, please don t choke in the playoffs
[–]Bucks iFinesseThePlug 917 指標 20小時前
It s so fucking strange to have lived and watched through this entire 18 year drought and then suddenly come out on the other side with the best record in the league two years in a row.
[–]Grizzlies Scoreboard19 566 指標 20小時前
I’m really happy for Milwaukee! Small market pride!
[–]Bucks kryle 255 指標 19小時前
Same for the Grizzlies! I went down there when the Bucks played in December. And the Grizzlies are fun af. Unfortunately Ja didnt play but JJJ was a goddamn flamethrower.
[–]a_lonely_skeleton 85 指標 19小時前
Even during those dark times there were memorable highlights. I was at the game when they snapped the Warrior s 24 game win streak. The crowd was amazing, and Bucks fans were wearing 24-1 t-shirts during the game.
Of course Warriors returned the favor the next game with 10-18 t-shirts.
[–]Bucks TheNi11a 34 指標 19小時前
The original Fear the Deer run. John Salmons! Carlos Delfino!
雄鹿球迷:還記得“Fear the Deer(懼怕雄鹿)”剛剛興起的時候。當時有約翰-薩爾蒙斯!還有卡洛斯-德爾菲諾!
[–]Pistons salmon10 164 指標 20小時前
Micheal Redd died for the Bucks salvation
[–]Bucks colesitzy 16 指標 11 小時前
His sacrifice will be remembered in our coming empire
[–]Bucks Hiurawego 129 指標 20小時前
and the Pistons front office giving us Middleton for Brandon Jennings
[–]Pistons salmon10 78 指標 20小時前
Tbf Middleton wasnt progressing as quickly as our dumbass scouts had thought, and Jennings was entering his prime, 18/6 before his horrific injury
[–]Bucks Hiurawego 85 指標 20小時前
yeah the original deal was mainly Jennings for Brandon Knight with Middleton as a throw in.
[–][LAL] Steve Nash DetectiveCactus 96 指標 19小時前
Jennings for Knight is about the most 2013 trade I ve ever heard
[–]Bucks Hiurawego 63 指標 19小時前
I don’t think many people realize how good BK was in Milwaukee in the 2014-15 season. Should have been an all star but somehow Kyle Korver took his spot
[–][OKC] Nick Collison migrainium 24 指標 19小時前
Tbf that year the Hawks had the best record and Korver was shooting a ridiculous over .500 average from 3.
[–]Bucks MyCardboardSword 21 指標 14小時前
I ve been a bucks fan my whole life. This feels so surreal. And on top of being a great team, we have bandwagon fans. That s something I never would have expected when we were wearing red and green jerseys at the Bradley, starting Carlos Delfino and John Salmons. What a ride.
[–][UTA] Donovan Mitchell Attey21 18 指標 14 小時前
They dominate everyone. Hope they keep it up and can get that Championship or lose to the Jazz in the finals haha
[–]Bucks TTBurger88 262 指標 14 小時前
So blessed to finally witness this team not just accepting mediocrity and just hope they make the 8th seed or be a lottery team. But becoming a league wide threat to win the championship.
[–]Cavaliers pandar314 95 指標 13 小時前
I hope it lasts longer for you than it did for us. It makes the game much more enjoyable when your horse is the one to beat.
[–]Bucks Guard226Duck 99 指標 12 小時前
you guys were contenders for a long time...
[–]Cavaliers ghrarhg 33 指標 11 小時前
Yea definitely. Thankfully LBJ was born near us!
[–]Cavaliers jwfutbol 29 指標 14 小時前
People can say anything they want about the Cavs now and it just bounces off since we have our ‘16 championship. only one for Cle (any sport) in my lifetime.
[–]Bucks MrTomAce 221 指標 14 小時前
I’ve been waiting my whole life for a championship. All I ask is for one and I won’t complain again.
[–]Mavericks krw13 19 指標 14 小時前
I m cheering for you guys. I love the guys on your team and Giannis is such a wholesome dude. Our one championship with the Mavs still makes me so damn happy. Every die hard fan should get to witness one.
[–][TOR] Chris Bosh CaskMA 87 指標 13 小時前
If the raptors lose in the playoffs, I m cheering for the bucks. Idk if I m supposed to or not but Giannis is great, the team is fun, and fuck the west.
[–]Raptors BritishColumbiEnt 50 指標 11 小時前
As a Raps fan I honestly love all the top Eastern Conference teams. Milwaukee is just an all around killer and Giannis is a generational talent. Now that Kyrie is gone I feel like the Celtics play a solid brand of more team-oriented basketball and their young core is allowed to play to their full potential. The Heat always play really hard physical games and are an incredibly well coached team. The Pacers have been exceptional in the absence of their star player. They re a well structured organization with a lot of good glue guys who play their role exceptionally well. Finally, last but not least the 76ers can go fuck themselves.
[–][BOS] Jayson Tatum oneders 20 指標 12 小時前
Root for whoever you want. Don t let your location of birth, or the fandom of a team you support stop YOU from enjoying the NBA the way YOU want to.
I am a Celtics fan, but DAMN are the Bucks entertaining. It would be good for the NBA and wildly entertaining to see Giannis in the finals.
[–]Warriors Djeff_ 49 指標 16 小時前
Where do you guys see them finishing at?
[–]Bucks The_Sign_of_Zeta 144 指標 16 小時前
Probably 67-68 wins. Bud isn’t going to worry about 70, but I don’t see them dropping games against anything other than really good teams unless they are resting players.
[–]Heat SmokingFrog 70 指標 15 小時前
I think they ll go for 70+ wins — if at any point it becomes clear that is unattainable then they ll probs start resting, but you can see this team believes they re that good and they want it too.
[–]someguynamedaaron 12 指標 14 小時前
I really don’t see us, mainly bud, letting up. I think that near the end of the season the lakers are going to be close enough that we will still want to play hard to ensure home court throughout the playoffs.
[–][PHI] Chris Webber Ih8reposts[S] 38 指標 16 小時前
As a 6ers fan, they have to be front runners to make the finals at least. Wouldn’t be surprised if the 6ers give them trouble in the playoffs if they get matched up at any point, but man it’s hard to bet against Giannis. I think the 6ers give them a decent struggle in the East, and then if they play the Lakers in the finals I could see it going either way, although I’d probably lean LA in that matchup.
But who knows, anything can happen between now and then.
[–]TheBurner4567 1017 指標 16小時前
Lol fucking Mj and the Bulls did it twice
[–]Bucks The_Sign_of_Zeta 545 指標 16 小時前
I mean there’s a reason he’s the best ever.
[–]Bucks iFinesseThePlug 329 指標 14 小時前
Reason the 98 Bulls didn t get close again was because Pippen missed the first 3 months.
Jordan still guided them to a 24-11 record while he was out.
[–]QUEST50012 188 指標 13 小時前
They still had the best record that year even with Scottie missing 38 games
[–]Lakers IOwnYourData 78 指標 13 小時前
GOAT shit
[–]Hawks TheCoolestMan2000 171 指標 13 小時前*
The Warriors were 52-5 at the All Star Break just insane.
[–]Bucks JGlow12 45 指標 9 小時前
They were at 52-5 but it was actually 5 games after the All-Star break. They were 48-4 at the break. Still insane though.
[–]Pistons salmon10 346 指標 15 小時前*
Damn, 06 we were 36-8, so close
EDIT: 47 and 9, my bad
[–]Callme_MrClean 105 指標 13 小時前
The 09 lakers were 40-8
[–][LAL] Jodie Meeks ArchimedesNutss 63 指標 13 小時前
Sasha Vujacic baby
[–]David _H21 45 指標 12 小時前
Spurs went 39-7 the year after the Warriors did it. I m still confident in saying that team had a 50/50 chance to beat the Warriors if Kawhi didnt get hurt.
[–]Qing_James 12 指標 11 小時前
Iono in the regular season Spurs also lost a 23 pt lead when Kawhi was healthy. It s like the Warriors have a button they can press to start trying
[–][DAL] Dirk Nowitzki chanaandeler_bong 43 指標 14 小時前
Wonder where the Mavs were in 2007. We won 67 games that year. I think we lost like 5 straight to start the year tho.
[–]Mavericks BayonettaBasher 42 指標 12 小時前
We were 40-9 when we hit 40 wins. Started 0-4, then we were 14-7 after 21 games, and after that, we had a nice little 38-2 spurt to get to 52-9
[–][MIL] Ray Allen MilwaukeeMan420 95 指標 15 小時前
Thanks for jinxing us
[–]Warriors BillyBean11111 39 指標 14 小時前
I cant imagine anyone beating this team in a 7 game series in the East, just isn t going to happen.
[–]nbamodssuckdick 26 指標 13 小時前
The Bucks will not lose another game.
[–]NBA Murmur322 29 指標 12 小時前
Ever. They ll win every regular season and playoff game they participate in until the end of time. Interest in the NBA will falter, teams will go under.
[–]76ers Dave___Smith 20 指標 13 小時前
We drafted Michael Carter Williams over Giannis
[–]Bucks Nelly_24 19 指標 10 小時前
It’s ok buddy we drafted Jabari over Embiid
[–]Timberwolves DannyPinn 11 指標 7 小時前
We drafted 2 point guards before steph curry.
[–]Raptors LemmingPractice 190 指標 14 小時前
The strangest thing about it is how few people actually give the Bucks the credit of being the championship favourites that their record says they should be considered. So many pundits still refer to the Lakers as being the best team in the league, and a lot of people doubt the Bucks ability to translate their regular season success into playoff success, after last year s collapse.
If there is anything the Bucks could have done to solidify their status as favourites this season, they have done it. They deserve to be considered the best team, until someone unseats them. If the Raptors still had Kawhi, it would be different, but they don t. Right now, the Bucks have earned the crown as best team in the league.
[–]Dead Zombie9 123 指標 14 小時前*
I believe the Lakers being ahead according to pundits just because they have 2 MVP-caliber players while the Bucks have one.
All the so-called analysts or pundits are too dumb to analyze basketball so they just count the star players. Laker 2-1 Bucks. Analysis complete.
[–]Bucks kharathos 48 指標 13 小時前
In my opinion the Bucks main advantage is the experience the current roster have playing together.
[–]Bucks FuckLukaDoncic 38 指標 13 小時前
Coaching too.
[–]Lakers mr-fiend 17 指標 13 小時前
The Clippers are actually above the Bucks as well, in terms of championship odds. Could be “big market bias” or maybe because they both have two superstars in a superstar driven league.
[–]gradocans 36 指標 12 小時前
In fairness, Lakers have LeBron who is a top all time player and has 3 championships. Clippers have Kawhi who has 2x final mvp. As good as the bucks have been, there’s also the collapse last year.
As a bulls fan, Kinda could be like the bulls in 2011, had the best record in the league and the MVP but steamrolled by LeBron.
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